The new Ubuntu 18.10 Beta is available for download and we are in Manjaro.site want to share our experiences with you. Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cattlefish is an interesting release of Ubuntu. It’s not an LTS version but it has many important upgrades and performance improvements. The major improvement that we notice is the speed and performance. If we compare this release to the Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver, the 18.10 is faster, responsive and feels more lightweight. Also, it comes with a set of a beautiful icon theme. We test this Cattlefish on VMware Workstation Pro 15 and it works very well.
Ubuntu 18.10 Features
Here are some features to expect on the upcoming Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish
Faster Installation
As stated in https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/09/ubuntu-18-10-beta-download-outomgubuntu website, this Ubuntu version comes with a new installation feature that is way faster. During installation, you can choose to install a full system (with games, accessories, office installation) or minimal system with basic utilities and web browser. The second option will make your installation process a lot faster.
Linux Kernel 4.18 and Gnome 3.30
As you might know already, the Ubuntu 18.10 is powered by Linux Kernel 4.18 that brings a better power efficiency, better performance, and many new hardware support. Also, it has Gnome 3.30 on board that looks really great.
Maybe, this is the best looking default Ubuntu theme so far. I like the icon theme design so much. The new “Yaru” GTK theme now officially replaces the old Ambiance theme.
There are a lot more interesting things you should explore on this Ubuntu 18.10. Download the ISO and run it on your virtual machine or create a Live USB.
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