RebornOS – Simple and Secure Linux Distribution for Desktop

RebornOS, a new Linux distribution based on Arch and Antergos is currently rising up. Most of you may haven’t heard about this distribution. I downloaded the RebornOS ISO and testing it on my laptop to see how it looks and performs. RebornOS default desktop environment is Budgie but during installation we ca choose our favorite desktop. You can choose from Deepin, Gnome, KDE, MATE, Cinnamon, Budgie and many more. RebornOS is distributed in 1.5 GB ISO file that can be loaded into a USB flash disk. You can run this distro from a Live USB without problems. During our test, the live usb performs very well. 

Under the hood, RebornOS is powered by Linux Kernel version 4.14 and Budgie Desktop version 10.4

RebornOS Desktop

Slightly, I was thinking that this is Solus OS. RebornOS default desktop environment is Budgie desktop that mainly used by SolusOS. There are not much animation on the desktop and menu and that’s a good thing. The desktop seems very lightweight. This probably because it uses Budgie. I haven’t tested when RebornOS uses Gnome or KDE. 

Speed and Performance

For most people, speed and performance of an operating system is an important. RebornOS is a fast Linux distribution, easy to use and it’s easy to install. It’s equipped with the latest cnchi version 0.14. cnchi is a graphical installer that will help you to install RebornOS to your hard disk. 

Software Manager

You will find Pamac 6.2.2 as the default software manager in RebornOS. This is also the default graphical software manager on Manjaro and Antergos. 

RebornOS comes with pretty minimal software selection. You won’t find any office suite but there are plenty utility software installed. Chromium is the default web browser, Cheese and video player also available. 

Download RebornOS ISO

If you love to try and test Linux distribution, we recommend you to try RebornOS. You can download the ISO file from the link below. 

RebornOS ISO Download Link

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