Wavebox – Not just an ordinary email client

If you remember Wmail, the nice and clean email client, now become Wavebox. Well, its not a new information but I just got a chance to install it on my Linux. I was trying to install Wmail on my OpenSUSE Leap 42.3. But when I open wmail website, I got a notification about Wmail becoming Wavebox.

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Well, Wavebox is not just an ordinary email client. The developer has extended it’s features and functionality. With Wavebox, you will have many (if not all) your web apps in one place. With this feature, you can have your Gmail, Facebook, Evernote, Google Drive inside Wavebox. You can get Wavebox Basic that can handle 2 Gmail accounts. If you need more features, go for Wavebox Pro or Enterprise. It’s worth the money.

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Wavebox linked apps

You can even manage your Google Photos from Wavebox

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Wavebox showing Google Photos

You can even connect your Microsoft Office 365 account, Odoo, MailChimp, LinkedIn, Instagram and many more.

Install Wavebox on Linux

If you are running Ubuntu, you can use the following command on Terminal to install Wavebox.

sudo wget -qO - https://wavebox.io/dl/client/repo/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://wavebox.io/dl/client/repo/ x86_64/" | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list.d/repo.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wavebox

For other system, please visit the official download site.

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