Things to do after Installing Ubuntu 17.10

Welcome to So you are about to try the new Ubuntu 17.10? Well, that’s great. Ubuntu 17.10 comes with some great features, especially Gnome 3.26. Say goodbye to Unity desktop and welcome Gnome. As usual, there are few things that I usually do after installing Ubuntu. Here are things to do after installing Ubuntu 17.10. Please leave you comments if you think I miss some things.

Reading recommendation:

Things to do after installing Ubuntu 17.10

A. Update System

No doubts, updating system is an important steps. This update task will ensure you have the latest package on your system.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

B. Install Gdebi

Ubuntu comes with default package manager which is great. But, for most of the time, I prefer to use gdebi to install packages on Ubuntu.

sudo apt install gdebi

C. Install Google Chrome

Firefox is not for me. Ubuntu 17.10 comes with Mozilla Firefox as default web browser. I always install Google Chrome on any Linux distro that I test. But again, this is a matter of preference.

sudo gdebi google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

D. Install Gnome Tweak Tool

Its also important to have Gnome Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 17.10. Its a great tool to change settings on Gnome desktop.

E. Make over Ubuntu looks

Another thing that I don’t like about Ubuntu is it’s theme. Nothing wrong with the theme but there are many great themes and icons out there. Why not give them a try?

Install GNOME-OSX Theme

Make your Ubuntu 17.10 looks like Mac. Gnome-OSX is a great GTK3 theme, compatible with Ubuntu 17.10. It will make your Ubuntu looks like Mac. Please ignore this step if you don’t like Mac theme on your Ubuntu.

Things to do after installing Ubuntu 17.10

There are a lot of things you can do after installing Ubuntu 17.10. Please leave us your comments. We want to hear Your things to do after installing Ubuntu 17.10.

Don’t forget to check The Best Themes for Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark

1 Comment

  1. Gdebi is great, that being said perhaps you shouldn’t make blind suggestions and actually have some experience behind your tips. Gdebi much like Synaptic runs with root privileges and neither is compatible with 17.10 while using Wayland which is now default.

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