Things to Do After Installing R on Windows 10

In my previous article, we’ve learned how to install R development software on Windows 10. Basically, we can start writing our first code or program but mostly we need some additional things to do after installing R. Below are some standard tasks you may need to do.

A. Install R Studio

R Studio is a free IDE for R. With this program we can easily write R code and do many other tasks easily. R Studio comes with a simple and nice user interface. It is available for Windows, Mac, as well as Linux.

To install R Studio, you can visit the link below to download the installer for your system.

B. Install R Tools

R Tools is another set of programs needed by R or R Studio to run properly. If you don’t have R Tools in your system, R Studio will show some errors every time you install additional packages to R Studio. Download and install R Tools using the link below

C. Install Packages

R is extensive development software. You can easily add packages from the official repository. By default, you can search and install packages from the CRAN repository. To install package from R Studio, simply go to Tools >> Install Packages. Then, type the package you want to install. Let’s say you want to install “plotrix”.

D. Customize R Studio

R Studio is a ready to use software. Basically, you don’t have to customize anything to get it works. But, in some cases, you may want to customize it to match your own preference. To do this, go to Tools >> Global Options.

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