Install Slingscold Launcher on ArchLabs 4.1

It was a great experience exploring the great Linux distribution ArchLabs 4.1. Its really fun. Today, I want to share how to install Slingscold launcher on ArchLabs 4.1. Slingscold is a Mac style application launcher. I love slingscold because its pretty handy to show all installed applications on my ArchLabs.

Watch Slingscold in action

slingscold on archlabs.gif

Steps to install Slingscold on ArchLabs 4.1

Step 1. Enable AUR

In order to install Slingscold, we need to enable AUR repository on ArchLabs. Open the Package Manager and enable AUR from there.

enable aur on archlabs.png

Step 2. Install Slingscold

You can either using Pamac Software Manager to install Slingscold or simply use the following command

yaour -S slingscold

Follow on screen wizard until it complete.

Step 3. Add Slingscold icon to Plank

To add the icon to Plank, open File Manager and go to /usr/share/applications. Now drag and drop the Slingscold icon to Plank.


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