How to Install Docker on Elementary OS Juno via Snap

I am currently in the middle of the migration process from Ubuntu 18.04 to the new Elementary OS Juno. I do love this OS since it is very lightweight, simple and yet stable. Elementary OS Juno is very easy to use. Even if you don’t have any Linux experiences, you will be able to use Juno. On this article, I am going to show you how to install Docker on Elementary OS Juno. I have been using Docker for some times. Mostly I use it to run several containers such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and also Microsoft SQL Server. 

Steps to Install Docker on Elementary OS Juno

I was trying to install Docker Community Edition using Ubuntu repository  as shown on this page. But unfortunately, it doesn’t work. So, I decided to install and run Docker from Snap. It is very easy to install Docker via Snap. 

Step 1. Install Snapd

You can skip this step if you have already installed snapd package on your system. If not, you can easily install it using this command

sudo apt install snapd

Next, make sure we set the correct PATH environment. Continue with this command


Step 2. Install Docker

Use this command to install Docker on Elementary OS Juno via Snap

sudo snap install docker

The installation will take some times. When finishes, docker is ready for use.


I don’t think it is a good idea to install Docker using snap. The environment is a bit different compared to the traditional way to install Docker. I use this for testing purposes only.

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