In this article, you will find my personal thoughts of macOS Big Sur Hackintosh on AMD FX processor. In the last few days, I use my newly installed macOS Big Sur Hackintosh as my main daily driver. It’s been a great time and I would like to write my personal thought about this Big Sur Hackintosh. There are couple of things to note on building this AMD FX Hackintosh. I am using AMD FX 8350, an eight-cores processor released back in 2011 or 2012. It’s a pretty old processor actually. But, it capable to handle the macOS Big Sur very well.
If you are planning to switch to AMD FX Hackintosh, you may need to know that there are some issues with AMD FX. You might think that everything will work as if you are using a real Mac. Well, if you think so, you will be disappointed. Most of the macOS features are usable but there are some features that didn’t work. Here are some features that I found not working with AMD FX Hackintosh.
- Play YouTube videos on Safari
- AppleTV
- Sleep mode (other people may not have this problem)
The following features are working
- Shut down, restart
- Audio
- Graphic accelerator (H264 and HEVC decoder are active)
- AppleID
- App Store
- Siri and many more
macOS Big Sur Hackintosh on AMD FX
I was successful to install the macOS Big Sur on my AMD FX 8350 processor. It was a great experiences to have macOS Big Sur on my old AMD system. I should thank to the OpenCore team who made this possible. It have been testing this for few days and it runs very smoothly, fast and stable.
Play YouTube videos on Safari
There were some issues with AMD FX and macOS Big Sur. I cannot play YouTube videos using Safari web browser. It keep crashing all the time.

But with Google Chrome, YouTube is working properly.
If you are AppleTV users and planning to build your Hackintosh with AMD FX, you might be disappointed. In my case, AppleTV doesn’t work on AMD FX build. I am not sure if other AMD FX users have this issue but it keep crashing every time I try to watch AppleTV.

If you don’t mind with those issues, than you are good to go. Here are some features that I found working on macOS Big Sur Hackintosh on AMD FX.
Graphic Hardware Acceleration
I am using AMD RX 570 8GB VGA card for my Hackintosh system and it works perfectly. As you can see below, I should be able to edit videos at 4K resolution.

Adobe Products on AMD Hackintosh
Even not all Adobe products can run in AMD Hackintosh but these Adobe products are working perfectly on my system.
- Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Adobe Premiere Pro 2020
- Adobe Illustrator 2020

It was fun editing video and photo using Adobe in Hackintosh. But unfortunately, I still cannot run Adobe Photoshop 2021 on my macOS Big Sur.
Final Thoughts
With all that pros and cons, I do feel comfortable when using this AMD FX Hackintosh. macOS Big Sur is a great operating system, modern and beautiful. If you want to try to install the macOS Big Sur on AMD FX, you can follow my guide below.
Install macOS Big Sur on AMD FX using OpenCore
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