The Best Themes for Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark

Hello everyone, welcome to my Linux blog. Today we are going to share some nice themes you can apply to your Ubuntu 17.10. These themes will make your Ubuntu 17.10 looks more eye catching. Ubuntu 17.10 is now available for download. You can either doing fresh install or upgrade from previous version. We pick some great themes that we believe these are The Best Themes for Ubuntu 17.10. The default look of Ubuntu 17.10 is okay, but it has a potential upgrade. You can do these trick to make Ubuntu more beautiful.

The Best Themes for Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark

On my setup, I use the following software as well:

MacOS Sierra Themes

This theme will turn your Ubuntu into Mac OS X Sierra style. If you like Mac OS X style, this theme is the perfect choice.

Get this themes

How to install Theme on Ubuntu 17.10

First, make sure you enable gnome-shell-extension. You will need to install it because it doesn’t come with Ubuntu 17.10

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions

Next create a new directory under your home directory

mkdir ~/.themes

Extract all the theme and icon to the .themes directory. Then, open Gnome Tweak Tool. Go to Extension and enable User Themes.

Now go to Appearance on the Tweak Tool. You can change your theme, gnome shell and icon from there.

Install Plank on Ubuntu 17.10

Plank is a great, simple dock for Gnome. You can install it using this command

sudo apt install plank

Gnome-OSX Theme

This is another great Mac OS X theme for Ubuntu. This theme will make your Ubuntu 17.10 looks like Mac. It comes with a complete package, except the icon theme. We recommend to use the LaCapitaine icon theme. This theme is pretty similar to MacOS Sierra theme above.


Arc Theme

Arc Theme is a well known GTK theme. Its also beautiful when running on my Ubuntu 17.10. There are three variants of this theme: Arc, Arc Dark and Arc Darker. You can either download from the official website, or simply install via Terminal.



sudo apt install arc-theme

We recommend to use Arc Icon Theme along with this Arc Theme. You can install Arc Theme using the following steps. It runs on top of Moka Icon Theme, so we need to install Moka Icon Theme first.

sudo apt install moka-icon-theme

Now download Arc Icon Theme

sudo apt install git
git clone

Next, copy or move Arc folder inside the arc-icon-theme directory you just download. Move it to /usr/share/icons

cd arc-icon-theme
sudo mv Arc /usr/share/icons

Now open Tweak Tool and apply this new icon from there.

best themes for Ubuntu 17.10

Pop Remix Theme

System76 Pop!_OS is a great OS and this theme tries to mimic the look of the Pop OS.


Windows 10 Theme for Ubuntu

Last but not least, B00merang team has many great themes. If you want to transform Ubuntu 17.10 to Windows 10 style, this theme is for you.


Get Windows 10 Themes and Icon

OSX-Arc Theme

This is another Mac OS oriented GTK3 theme that works best on Ubuntu 17.10. OSX-Arc theme is built on top of Arc Theme with some modification. It comes with a great window button design and colors. Its a flat theme based on Arc with transparent elements. There are four different variants and supports GTK3, GTK2, Gnome Shell, Unity, Pantheon, XFCE, MATE and others.

OSX-Arc Theme in action:

Download OSX-Arc Theme

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to make Ubuntu 17.10 better. By installing these great themes on Ubuntu, you will get a refreshing look of Ubuntu 10. Thanks for reading this The Best Themes for Ubuntu 17.10. We hope you enjoy this tutorial. Please share this article and see you in the next tutorial.


  1. Hi,
    How did you disabled workspaces bar ? I don’t see it. I can’t find or how to disable it. So, Plank is behind the workspaces bar.


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