The Best Mac OS X Themes for Linux

Hello Linux users, welcome to my blog. Today we are going to show you some nice stuff for your Linux desktop. If you like Mac OS X interface, and you want to make your Linux looks like a Mac OS X, then you came to the right place. We are going to list some great Mac OS X themes for Linux. There are many new and updated GTK3 themes that will make your Linux looks like Mac OS X. As you might know, the new Mac OS X Catalina is about to release. Linux community has some great themes that trying to mimic the Mac OS X Catalina. It is not perfect but it’s great to try.

Before we go through the tutorial, here are some screenshots of my Manjaro 18.1.0 with Mac OS X theme installed.

Manjaro 18.1.0 desktop with McMojave theme
Manjaro 18.1.0 with Mojave-CT-Night icon theme

Here are some nice GTK3 themes that will make your Linux looks like Mac OS X Catalina or Mojave.

A. McMojave GTK3 Theme

McMojave is a popular GTK3 theme. It supports various desktop environments such as Gnome, Unity, Budgie, Pantheon, Cinamon, XFCE, Mate, etc. There are also variants including light or dark mode. For me, the dark mode is the best looking one.

B. McOS-Themes

Similar to McMojave theme, the McOS-Themes is updated regularly by the developer/designer. It also has a nice looking design and color matching. The new version McOS-CTLina is trying to mimic the new and upcoming Mac OS X Catalina.

These two GTK themes are the most popular themes in And yes they are the best. But we still have another great Mac OS X theme for you.

C. McHigh Sierra

This theme is also great. It is available in light and dark mode as well. In the package you will have the following themes:

  • Gtk2 theme
  • Gtk3 theme
  • Gnome-shell theme
  • Metacity theme
  • Xfwm4 theme
  • Cinnamon theme
  • Plank theme
McHigh Sierra GTK3 theme

All of these themes works with any Linux distribution including but not limited to Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Manjaro, Linux Mint etc.

D. Catalina

From its name, you can guess that this GTK3 theme is for Mac OS X Catalina fans. Slightly I cannot differentiate between these themes. Catalina theme works with Gnome 3.x, MATE, Cinnamon and Pantheon.

One thing that you will miss in this Catalina theme is the Activities button icon. On the other Mac theme above, the Activities button will turned into a nice launcher icon.

Wrap Up

So basically there are still many Mac OS X themes available at Gnome-Look website. Many of them are derived from the same theme with some little modifications.

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