The new version of Linux Mint 19 is now hit its final release. This new distribution is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS which will be supported for the next 5 years. There are many interesting features on this new version. You will find Timeshift, a popular backup/snapshot tool on Linux Mint 19. Also, the package manager can work seamlessly with DEB and Flatpak package. This short review is based on the Cinnamon edition.
The Desktop
Anyone who looks for simplicity, will always love Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon edition. By default, you will have a great desktop. The combination between Mint-Y theme and icon theme looks pretty nice.
I also notice a nice default wallpaper on this Linux Mint version.
Software Manager
I am not the fan of the GUI Software Manager. I mostly install software via Terminal. But if you prefer the GUI mode, the Software Manager is for you. You can easily search and install software you like. It is pretty simple and easy to use.
Not many Linux distros that has Timeshift on it. Timeshift is a great piece of backup software. This tools enable us to create multiple system snapshots. In return, we can go back to previous system state with ease.
Better Installer
Linux Mint 19 can be run from a USB flash disk as Live USB. When you decide to install it permanently, the installer will guide you. With few simple clicks, your Linux Mint will be ready in full mode.
One thing that I don’t like about Linux Mint is that because this distro use Yahoo as the default search engine. For me Google still the best.
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