Install VMWare Workstation Player on Ubuntu 18.04

VMWare Player is a free virtualization software that allows us to run multiple operating systems on a single host. VMware Player is a great piece of software that supports Linux and also Windows. Today, we are going to learn how to install VMWare Workstation Player on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. If you want to build your own Lab with minimal budget, VMWare Player is a good way to start. Well, you can use Oracle Virtualbox but for some reasons, you may want to try this VMWare Player. 

Steps to install VMWare Player on Ubuntu 18.04

Step 1. Install Required Packages

Prior to the VMWare Player installation, we need to install some additional packages on Ubuntu 18.04. To do this, simply execute the following commands on Terminal.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Step 2. Download VMWare Player

Obtain your own copy of VMWare Player using the link below. You can use the search box to find VMWare Workstation Player.

Now save the file to your Download directory.

Step 3. Install VMWare Workstation Player

Now we are ready to install the VMWare Workstation Player. Open Terminal and then follow these steps below. 

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x VMware-Player*
sudo ./VMware-Player*

The command will bring up the GUI installer. Follow on screen installation wizard until completed.

Accept the license agreement to continue

Auto update

Once the installation completed, you can start using VMWare Workstation Player on Ubuntu

That’s it. I hope you enjoy this how to install VMWare Workstation Player on Ubuntu 18.04. Cheers.

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