How to Install OnlyOffice Community Server on CentOS 7

Hello everyone, welcome to my personal blog. Today, we are going to discuss about the OnlyOffice. For you who don’t know what OnlyOffice is, you can visit their official website. OnlyOffice is a great solution for online collaboration, document editor and some other features such as CRM, Project Management and more.

Today, I am going to show you how to install OnlyOffice Community Server on CentOS 7. Please note that the OnlyOffice Community Server does not comes with online editor. Which means, we cannot edit the documents via web browser. If you want this editor features, we need to install the OnlyOffice Document Server. I will discuss this near in the future.


Before we go through the installation, we need the following in hands:

  1. Root privileges
  2. Internet connection
  3. Basic understanding of Terminal commands

Steps to Install OnlyOffice Community Server on CentOS 7

Step 1. Installing software dependencies

OnlyOffice needs some packages such as NGINX, Mono and Node.js. So, we need to install these software prior to OnlyOffice installation.

Install Mono

To install Mono on CentOS 7, first add the repository. Run the following commands on Terminal

rpm --import ""
yum-config-manager --add-repo

Now let’s install mono with this command

yum install mono-complete

For more information installing Mono on CentOS or other system, please visit the official website. Check the Mono installation by using this command

mono --version


[root@server oracle]# mono --version 
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Thu Jan 17 08:37:29 UTC 2019) Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
TLS: __thread
SIGSEGV: altstack
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none
Misc: softdebug
Interpreter: yes
LLVM: yes(600)
Suspend: preemptive
GC: sgen (concurrent by default)

Install NginX

We are going to create a new repo for nginx and install nginx web server. Create a new repo file nginx.repo under /etc/yum.repos.d

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo

Now paste these lines

name=nginx repo

Now install nginx with this command

yum install nginx

For more information, I would recommend you to visit this page.

Install MySQL Server Community Edition

You will need to download a file from this link. Select the correct package for CentOS 7 (.rpm). And then install the rpm package. Or, simply use these command to download and install it

yum localinstall mysql80-community-release-el7-2.noarch.rpm
yum install mysql-community-server

The command will install MySQL Community Server. For more information about installing MySQL on CentOS, please visit this page. Once the installation complete, let’s continue configuring the MySQL Server.

systemctl start mysqld

After starting the MySQL Server, we need to change the password for the MySQL root user. First, we need to get the default password

 grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log 

You will see the password generated for the root user. Copy the password and we need to change it immediately.

mysql -u -root -p
alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'YourNewPasswordHere';

So now, we have MySQL up and running.

Step 2. Install OnlyOffice Community Server

After completing the prerequisites installation, we can continue to install the OnlyOffice Community Server.

Add the GPG key

rpm --import "" 

Add repository

Now create a new onlyoffice.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d directory.

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/onlyoffice.repo

Paste these lines

name=onlyoffice repo

Now install the OnlyOffice Community Server with this command

yum install onlyoffice-communityserver

Now continue configure the Community Server


You will need to supply your MySQL host and MySQL root password during this process. This process will take some times. After completes, open the web browser and type the server IP address or domain. For example:




We need to create a password for the administrator user.

Now enjoy the OnlyOffice Community Server

Thank you for reading this tutorial how to install OnlyOffice Community Server on CentOS. I hope you enjoy it and see you next time.


  1. hello

    please your help

    where is the file, i can not find it out

    thanks in advance for your help

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