Debian 10 has been released a while ago. It comes with many improvements. Today I am going to share my experience when installing the Debian 10 on my Virtualbox. As you know, when we install Linux OS such as Debian on Virtualbox, you will need to install Guest Additions in order to get better performance. And actually, install the guest additions on Debian 10 is not difficult.
Steps to Install Guest Additions on Debian 10
I assume you have installed the Debian 10 on Virtualbox and it runs properly. You will also need to make sure that Debian gets internet access during the installation process.
Step 1. Update System
As usual, we need to ensure that Debian 10 has the latest update. So, execute the following update command prior to the installation.
apt update && apt upgrade
Step 2. Install Prerequisites
Next, we are going to install some packages needed by the guest additions to build and install properly.
apt-get install build-essential module-assistant
Next, use the command below to prepare your system for building kernel module.
m-a prepare
Step 3. Install Guest Additions
Go to Devices >> Insert Guest Additions CD Image. This will mount the guest addition iso image to Debian.

Next, switch to Debian 10 and open Files. You should see the mounted ISO image as follow.

Open Terminal and cd to the mounted directory. Usually, it is located in /media/cdrom0
cd /media/cdrom0
sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Wait until the installation process finishes. Next, reboot Debian 10 and in the next boot, your Guest Additions should be ready. Enjoy the full performance of your Debian 10 on Virtualbox. Thanks for reading this tutorial how to install guest additions on Debian 10. I hope you enjoy it and see you.
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