How to Fix Caching_sha2_password Error on MySQL Workbench

I was trying to connect the MySQL Workbench to my MySQL Server database. But I got the following error shown: authentication plugin ‘caching_sha2_password’ cannot be loaded. If you encountered this error, there is an easy fix. Simply read my story below to fix the caching_sha2_password error in Workbench. 

I was using MySQL Workbench version 6.3 on Windows 10 and I was trying to connect to MySQL Server version 8.0 on a Docker container. The new MySQL Server uses a brand new authentication method which improves its security and performance over the network. You can read the official information about the new authentication method in MySQL Server.

My quick fix related to this error is to download and install the latest MySQL Workbench version 8.0. After installing the Workbench version 8.0, I can connect to my server without problems. 


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