The latest version of Debian 12 codename Bookworm is available. If you are still running Debian 11 Bullseye, you can easily upgrade to the latest release with a few simple steps. This tutorial will guide you how to upgrade from Debian Bullseye to Bookworm. We will use the command line approach on this tutorial. Don’t worry, if you follow this guide, you should be fine no matter if you are new to Terminal commands.
Steps to Upgrade from Debian Bullseye to Bookworm
Even this process is considered as safe, it is highly recommended to backup your system prior to the upgrade process.
Step 1. Update Debian
As usual, let’s make sure our system is up to date. Open Terminal and then execute this command to update Debian system.
apt update
apt upgrade
Step 2. Add the Debian Bookworm repository
We need to update the repositories. On Terminal, use this command to open the sources.list file
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
And then, we need to replace all the bullseye instance into bookworm. Below is the original sources.list file in my system
After changing bullseye to bookworm, it will look like this
Now close the editor using combination of CTRL and X on the keyboard. Answer yes by typing Y and press Enter. Now update Debian system with the new repositories.
apt update
Step 3. Upgrade Debian
Now let’s do the minimal upgrade with this command
apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs

This process will take a while to complete. Be patient.

Now let’s do the full upgrade
apt full-upgrade
Wait until the upgrade process is completed. Next, reboot your system and enjoy Debian 12 Bookworm.
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