Hello, welcome to another tutorial to make your Linux desktop looks like Mac OS X Mojave. Today, I am going to show you how to make Debian 10 looks like Mac OS X Mojave. Personally, I am pretty satisfied with the result. I can turn a boring Debian 10 desktop into a more interesting one.
Here is my Debian 10 looks like

As you can see, I have a nice Gnome dock with the Mac OS X icon style at the bottom of my screen. Also, there is a small Mac icon on the top left corner which is pretty cool. Interested? Continue reading to find out how.
Steps to Make Debian 10 Looks Like Mac OS X Mojave
I am using Debian 10 with Gnome desktop environment. I choose Gnome because this desktop is very easy to customize compared to the others. Debian 10 includes some important software/program such as Gnome Tweak Tool as well as Gnome Shell Extension. So basically, we only need minimal efforts for this makeover.
First, let’s download some packages from Gnome Look website for this modification. The packages are as follow:
Install the GTK3 Theme
Extract the file Mojave-dark.tar.xz and Mojave-light.tar.xz package. It will produce a new folder. Move the folder to /usr/share/themes. For example, you can use the following command to move the folder
mv Mojave-dark /usr/share/themes
mv Mojave-light /usr/share/themes
Install the Mojave Icon Theme
Now, extract the Mojave icon theme file which is Mojave-CT-Dark-Mode.tar.xz. You should now have a new folder Mojave-CT-Dark-Mode. Now move this folder to /usr/share/icons.
mv Mojave-CT-Dark-Mode /usr/share/icons
Make sure you run those commands as root.
Apply GTK Theme and Icon Theme
Open Tweaks and click Appearance. Select the new GTK3 theme and icon theme we installed.

To complete the makeover, we need to enable the Gnome Shell Extension. Visit this gnome-shell extension website. Make sure you enable the User Theme extension in this page.

Now open Tweaks and you should enable the “Mojave-light” or “Mojave-dark” gnome-shell theme from here.

Move the Gnome Dock to the bottom
In order to move the Gnome dock to the bottom, you will need to install Dash to Dock extension. Then, you can configure the Gnome Dash from Tweaks.

Finally, enjoy Mac OS X Mojave theme on Debian 10.

Great! Thank you!