How to install Google Chrome on Manjaro 17.0

Manjaro Tutorial – Hello everyone today I am going to show you how to install the latest Google Chrome on Manjaro 17.0. Google Chrome is a free, powerful web browser available for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and mobile devices. Before we can install Google Chrome on Manjaro, we need to enable AUR repository first on Manjaro 17.0.

Steps to install Google Chrome on Manjaro 17.0

  1. Enable AUR Repository
  2. Install Google Chrome

Step 1. Enable AUR Repository

To enable AUR on Manjaro 17.0, open Pamac Software Manager and go to Preferences. Then click on AUR tab and enable it from there.

enable aur on manjaro 17

Step 2. Install Google Chrome

Using Pamac Software Manager

Open Pamac and type “google-chrome” on the search box. You will see Google Chrome listed there. Mark it for installation and press Apply.

install google chrome on manjaro 17.png

Install via Command Line

Use this command to install Google Chrome

yaourt -S google-chrome

Output sample:

[dhani@dhani-manjaro ~]$ yaourt -S google-chrome

==> Downloading google-chrome PKGBUILD from AUR…
x google-chrome.install
DescartesHorse commented on 2017-04-07 11:48
@Det – yeah, it does work on other distro’s like this. I dropped it in on a fresh Ubuntu with fresh Google Chrome installed, into /opt/google/chrome/extensions, and as soon as I opened up Chrome it appeared 🙁 Went through that FAQ, and still in the same position. Any other ideas as to what may be going on, or how I can dig deeper to see where Chrome may be looking?

Det commented on 2017-04-07 12:10
I dunno? Rename your settings dirs (~/.cache/google-chrome/, ~/.config/google-chrome/), start in incognito, swap between the /usr/bin launcher and the one from /opt/google/chrome/ directly, extract the .deb and put the extension there, or try copying *all* the contents to /opt/google/chrome/, use “–enable-logging –v=1” (, etc.

ppc52776 commented on 2017-04-21 01:54
if you have CompositorTileW problem, try to increase the font size by ctrl + ‘+’
[ 1402.814324] CompositorTileW[6608]: segfault at 39 ip 00005609d8ce6af0 sp 00007f2ec1f19068 error 6 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]
[ 1424.090013] CompositorTileW[6989]: segfault at 39 ip 00005609d8ce6af0 sp 00007f2ec1718068 error 6 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]
[ 1494.299058] CompositorTileW[7361]: segfault at 39 ip 00005609d8ce6af0 sp 00007f2ec1718068 error 6 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]
[ 1494.319679] CompositorTileW[7360]: segfault at 90 ip 00005609d8cf1c80 sp 00007f2ec1f19130 error 4 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]
[ 1503.438023] CompositorTileW[7405]: segfault at 90 ip 00005609d8cf1c80 sp 00007f2ec1f191c0 error 4 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]
[ 1782.250281] CompositorTileW[7798]: segfault at 39 ip 00005609d8ce6af0 sp 00007f2ec1717fd8 error 6 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]
[ 1787.740639] CompositorTileW[7894]: segfault at 39 ip 00005609d8ce6af0 sp 00007f2ec1718068 error 6 in chrome[5609d81ba000+6a81000]

shsina commented on 2017-04-24 10:34
You should add xdg-utils to deps like chromium.

Det commented on 2017-04-24 15:10

google-chrome 58.0.3029.96-1 (2017-05-03 03:25)
( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] (“A” to abort)
==> ————————————

Once completed, run Google Chrome on Manjaro.

google chrome on manjaro.png

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