How to Install Google Chrome on CentOS 8

The following tutorial will show you how to install Google Chrome on CentOS 8. By default, CentOS 8 comes with Mozilla Firefox. But for some people like me, I would prefer Google Chrome rather than Firefox. It’s just a matter of preference. In case you want to install Chrome, you can follow these steps below. I also made a video showing how to install Google Chrome on CentOS 8.

First, let’s download the RPM package or Google Chrome. You can directly use the following link to download.

Save the file to your download directory. And then open Terminal and cd to the download directory. For example:

cd /home/oracle/Downloads

And then use this command to install the RPM file

dnf install google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm


In a few moments, Google Chrome should be ready.

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