I am trying to make the acQuire database up and running on my system. I use SQL Server 2017 as the back end database. The installation was pretty much easy. But, I have some issues when trying to create a new database for the acQuire. I always got an error saying that the sp_dboption is missing. But finally, I found the solution. Thanks to someone who wrote this SQL.
So if you think your program needs this sp_dboption stored procedure to exist in the SQL Server, you can do the following. Please note that this sp_dboption is not available any more after SQL Server 2012. Now I am installing this stored procedure in my SQL Server 2017 edition and it worked very well.
Since I am not an SQL savvy, I will use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to do this.
First, download sp_dboption SQL file from this GitHub Link. Click Download Zip and then save the zip file in your PC. Extract the zip file and then you will have a new file called sp_dboption.sql. Simply right-click and open the file with SMSS 18 (if you have SQL Server Management Studio) installed. It will be opened in the SMSS as follow

Simply Execute the query as shown above and then SMSS will automatically placed a new Stored Procedures called sp_dboption.

Done. Now my SQL Server 2017 has the sp_dboption which is required by my old software acQuire database.
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